Introducing the Denafrips APOLLO High-End Stereo Power Amplifier, an enhanced version of the award-winning HYPERION. This fully discrete, true balanced, Class AB power amplifier delivers exceptional performance with a conservative output power of 225W per channel into 8 ohms and 450W into 4 ohms (both channels driven, RMS).
Key Features and Specifications:
Powerful Output: 225W per channel into 8 ohms, 450W per channel into 4 ohms.
Custom-Made Transformer: Equipped with a 2000VA toroid transformer with copper shielding for superior audio performance.
Advanced Components: Features 16 pairs of BJT transistors per channel, large reservoir capacitors, and fast-switching Schottky diodes for robust DC power rails.
True Balanced Input: Amplifies both positive and negative signals relative to ground, ensuring superior driving capacity for large floor-standing speakers and room-filling sound.
Class-AB, Fully Discrete Design: Ensures high-quality audio reproduction with minimal distortion.
Detailed Specifications:
Input: XLR
Input Impedance: 22k Ohms
Input Sensitivity: 2.0Vrms
Output: 4mm Speaker Binding Post
Gain: 26dB
AC Power Requirement: 100-240VAC, 50/60Hz (Worldwide Voltage)
Power Consumption: 0.5W (Standby), 250W (Idle), 1180W (Operational)
Frequency Response: 10-50kHz (-2.2dB)
THD: 0.00%
S/N Ratio: 118dB
Dynamic Range: >121dB
Stereo Crosstalk: -110dB
Dimensions: 435W x 470D x 240H mm
Weight: 55 Kg
Color Options: Silver / Black
Important Note:
Denafrips power amplifiers are true balanced. Do not connect the amplifier’s speaker output to the sub-woofer high-level input, as this may potentially damage the amplifier.
The Denafrips APOLLO High-End Stereo Power Amplifier is designed to deliver unparalleled audio performance, making it an ideal choice for audiophiles seeking to elevate their listening experience. With its robust build and advanced features, the APOLLO ensures exceptional sound quality and reliability.
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