The Macaron is the debut portable DAC/AMP in the iBasso Jr. series. The colourful and fashionable exterior actually conceals a convincing interior with dual CS43131 digital-to-analogue converter chips, 2x210mW power output with up to 0.00013% distortion between 20Hz and 40kHz. The KDS femto clock oscillator contributes significantly to a detailed and accurate, precise sound.
A rocker knob on the compact housing allows 100 steps of volume control. Thanks to its power consumption of only 80mA, it is also compatible with smartphones with lower output power. With its 3.5mm single-ended and 4.4mm balanced outputs, it can be used with most of the world's earphones. The iBasso UAC app allows further tweaking of the Macaron's sound.
The Macaron is an ideal companion for all generations of avid music lovers, regardless of musical style. The product is made in black, silver, light blue and pink and comes in a metal box with a USB-C to USB-C cable alongside the DAC.
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