Planar Magnetic Universal In-Ear Monitor for Audiophiles
Introducing the 64 Audio Solo, a revolutionary in-ear monitor (IEM) that redefines full-range sound in portable high-end audio. The Solo features a single 14.2mm planar magnetic driver, expertly covering the entire sonic spectrum. This innovative IEM is the latest addition to 64 Audio’s legendary tia™ line, following the tech-disruptive legacy of Fourté, Trio, and Duo.
The Solo’s acoustic chamber integrates two Helmholtz resonators, a world-first in IEMs, meticulously tuned to sculpt its frequency response. This chamber also includes 64 Audio’s apex core design, which relieves pneumatic pressure and enhances the sense of physical space, delivering an unprecedented listening experience. Combined with the patented Linear Impedance Design (LID) technology, these innovations are housed in a striking design update, offering a quintessentially 64 Audio sound with detailed transient response and robust low-frequency presence.
The planar magnetic driver features a flat diaphragm with embedded conductors suspended between two sets of magnets, unlike traditional dynamic drivers. This design allows the entire diaphragm to move uniformly, delivering high-resolution full-range sound with exceptional detail and micro-transient information. The Solo’s electronic filter subtly shifts the tonal balance, while the Helmholtz resonators target specific frequencies to amplify or diminish, ensuring a balanced and immersive audio experience.
Included Accessories:
The Solo’s sound is characterized by its accuracy, musicality, and balance, offering a unique listening experience with a single driver per side. The planar driver delivers agile performance, extracting subtle details and creating a vast sonic landscape. The apex core technology enhances high-mid and high frequencies, while the acoustic notch filters eliminate sharpness without compromising performance. The Solo’s bass has substantial impact and deep sub-bass presence, providing a tactile immersion in the textures of instruments and recording equipment.
Paired with 64 Audio’s first pure copper cable, the Solo offers a pleasant tactile feel and impressively low impedance. The OCC Copper cable, built into eight-braids, comes standard with two options: a 3.5mm single-ended and a balanced 4.4mm.
Experience the future of portable high-end audio with the 64 Audio Solo, where innovative design meets unparalleled sound quality.
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