Stylish series TWS fully wireless design earbuds with AAC/aptX codec and Bluetooth 5 technology. Designed for compact earbuds, the 7mm dynamic driver creates crystal-clear sound in an ultra-compact design to boost productivity. Enjoy true wireless audio with Qualcomm aptX ™ Audio technology and devices optimized for AAC Hi-Res audio. The optimized battery gives you 6.5 hours of continuous playback and talk time on a single charge (24 hours total with the case). Fast charging capabilities allow for an additional 3 hours of use, with a charging time of just 15 minutes. DSP (Digital Signal Processing) technology for ambient noise reduction ensures crystal-clear communication as if you were talking face-to-face, while the highly stable MEMS microphone eliminates static noise in the background.
After updating the firmware of the 1More E1026BT-i earphones, which can be done using the free download 1MORE MUSIC APP, it will be possible to adjust the volume using the multifunction buttons.
*For firmware update instructions, see: Link
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