Six-Axis Force Transducer with 200N Load Capacity
The KWR75B 6-axis force sensor is a highly integrated force sensor with built-in high-precision electrical circuitry that can measure and export force and torque data on orthogonal axes. The sensor has excellent reliability and consistency.
Product highlights
6-axis joint calibration to suppress interference sufficiently.
Built-in high-precision data acquisition and calculation system.
Made of heavy-overload, durable and sensitive aircraft-class alloy.
Force control scenarios in various industries.
Widely used in dragging-teaching, automated testing, medical testing, safety protection, vehicle testing, consumer electronics testing, cutting and polishing, and in the aviation sector.
Product | KWR75B |
Range Fx,Fy | 200N |
Range Fz | 200N |
Range Mx,MY | 8Nm |
Range Mz | 8Nm |
Diameter | 75mm |
Height | 31.5mm |
Material | Aluminum alloy |
Surface treatment | Anodization |
Overloading | 300%FS |
Resolution | 0.03%FS |
Precision | 0.1%FS |
Weight | 0.28kg |
Protection Level | IP64 |
Working temperature | 0°C-80°C |
Sampling frequency | 1000Hz |
Supply voltage | 12~48 VDC |
Communication interface | RS422/RS485/MODBUS/TCP/UDP/EtherCAT/EtherNet/ IP/ USB etc |
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