One of the most common tasks in industry is the handling of different workpieces. Gripping end tools are used for this purpose. DH-Robotics has developed a range of gripping end tools for robotic arms, available in both small and large sizes.
The PGS-5 is an electromagnetically operated gripping tool that, unlike the servomotor operation of the PGE-2, is capable of much higher gripping forces.
Commissioning and programming is simple and user-friendly. The control unit is connected to the gripper and the MG400 robot arm and can be programmed immediately in the development environment.
Interchangeable and complementary peripherals (gripping jaws) End tool for gripping a wide variety of workpieces.
Gripping force (per jaw) | 3,5-5 N |
Opening/closing stroke (both sides) | 4 mm |
Opening/closing time | 0,03 s / 0,03 s |
Weight | 0,2kg |
Noise emission | < 50 dB |
IP rating | IP40 |
Communication protocol | I/O |
Rated voltage | 24V DC ± 10% |
Rated current | 0,1 A |
Peak current | 2,5 A |
Content of package
1x Gripper cable | 2x Gripper jaw |
1x Gripper controller | 2x Gripper adapter |
2x Hexagon head screw (M3x8) | 6x Hexagon head screw (M2x6) |
6x Hexagon head screw (M2x10) | 2x Rubber part to fit on the end of the gripping periphery |
1x PGS-5 Gripper | 1x Gripping clamping plate |
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