The Shanling S0 speaker pair features a complex aluminum construction with an integrated casting process that ensures the elimination of standing waves and unwanted resonances. Its minimalist, rounded design with honeycomb-patterned speaker grills perfectly fits most interior styles. The 8.9cm (3.5-inch) bass driver with an extended design and paper diaphragm provides extremely accurate and fast response times, even with the most complex music. The dual diffusion rear ports enhance the bass response, while the built-in Class D amplifier offers 2x 30W power for dynamic and precise sound. It offers a modern combination of DAC, ADC, and DSP modules with ±2dB control for bass and treble adjustment. The Shanling S0 delivers lively sound with precise soundstage placement and great clarity. Thanks to Bluetooth 5.3, the speakers are ideal for wireless use in LDAC quality. The speakers are available in black and white colors. The package includes a remote control, a power cable, a USB-C - USB-C cable, a 3.5mm cable, and a connecting cable.
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