The Vento P55 earbuds represent the latest generation of the SoundMAGIC brand. Lead designer Tony Xu chose the Italian name "wind" (vento) to express the sensitivity of the Vento P55 headphones and that their control is more than just a simple flow of air.
The SoundMAGIC P55 Vento is designed for everyday street wear, primarily for high-definition audio players and mobile phones thanks to the interchangeable, accessory headset cable. With a stainless steel headband with an aluminum headphone unit and a soft leather ear cushion, SoundMAGIC P55 Vento is designed to withstand everyday use, but also to be comfortable enough even during prolonged listening. The detailed, beautifully depicted space provides a pleasant musical experience even during transport and travel, the premium material use makes the headphones a timeless product. The hard case and textile bag offer two separate options for properly transporting and storing Vento P55 headphones.
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