Topping the U90 is a high-performance digital interface that allows a wide range of outputs to be used, while supporting high-resolution data streams and embedding an optimized architecture to preserve the integrity of the original signal.
Input is simply via a USB-B connector. The U90 includes one I2S LVD output on the HDMI connector, two coaxial outputs, two AES outputs and two optical outputs. Enough to satisfy the vast majority of current applications for this type of device.
To ensure perfect compatibility with different brands, whose I2S outlet may vary, the U90 is equipped with four switches that allow you to modify this outlet.
The U90 uses a pair of Accusilicon femtosecond oscillators for its clock, combined with an Altera MAX II CPLD. This design allows perfect synchronisation and management of the clock signals for highly efficient jitter suppression. In addition, the USB input is isolated to eliminate noise generated by ground loops.
The back of the U90 also has a 12 V trigger output. When used with other devices that have this input, the U90 will automatically control the on/off switching of the system in which it is installed.
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