This is thanks to a combination of artificial intelligence and the most advanced sensor and camera technologies, which enable it to do its job efficiently by constantly monitoring its surroundings and avoiding accidents.
Up to 10.000m2 of area can be stored in a single map, which the robot can use to mop, sweep or scrub in a fully autonomous way. Using its central data processing system, these maps can be reviewed along with all the robot's current data.
With its 70L freshwater tank and 50L waste water tank and replaceable battery, it can clean up to 2040m2 per hour, which can be maintained all day with minimal intervention. This puts the autonomous robot among the more powerful members of the scrubbing machine family.
Its consumables are easy to replace, so regular maintenance is not a problem.
*The package is available without a battery, for which a compatible device can be obtained according to the battery specifications provided by the manufacturer.
Optional Battery Informations (not included with the product) :
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