A cutting-edge portable DAC and headphone amplifier designed for audiophiles seeking unmatched sound quality and versatility. This innovative device offers two output modes (Tube/Class AB) and includes two Raytheon JAN6418 vintage tubes for a warm, analog sound. With an OPAMP+BUF Class AB amplifier and 525mW+525mW@32ohm output power, the Nunchaku delivers powerful and dynamic sound performance.
Featuring dual Cirrus Logic CS43198 Master HiFi™ DAC chips, built-in FPGA, and KDS Femtosecond oscillators, along with PCM support up to 32bit/768kHz and Native DSD support (up to DSD512), the Nunchaku ensures high-resolution audio. The device includes a 3.5mm coaxial output, an OLED display, and a button for quick settings and volume control.
A dedicated UAC app for Android devices allows easy adjustment of volume, channel balance, and digital filters. Housed in an aluminum CNC chassis with tempered glass panels on both sides, the Nunchaku features a detachable cable design and offers a 4.4mm balanced output and a 3.5mm single-ended output. Compatible with Android smartphones, tablets, Mac, Windows, and Linux computers, the Nunchaku is the ideal portable solution for discerning listeners. The Nunchaku offers two output modes: the TUBE mode provides a warm, analog sound with some microphonic effect and background noise, especially near smartphones, while the Class AB mode delivers high-precision performance without interference.
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