The final D8000 Pro Limited Edition is a specially tuned version of the multi-award-winning headphone that, with the manufacturer's unique AFDS planar magnetic driver, perfectly combines the responsive highs of planar headphones with the convincing volume and bass of dynamic drivers. The Pro Edition leaves the fine sound quality of the D8000 intact, with the driver units finally re-tuned for use in professional sound recording at the request of sound engineers. The new tuning results in sound quality perceived to have greater clarity when listening to rock, pop and other music with a narrow dynamic range. The diaphragm is a third of the weight of other manufacturers', resulting in a finer high frequency response that reveals previously unheard details. The interchangeable cabled headphones are constructed using machined aluminium and the included hard carrying case is fitted with a TRAVEL SENTRY® lock for secure travel. The D8000 Pro Edition will no doubt make you want to listen to new and old favorites again! The Pro Limited Edition, made in just 200 copies has a more dynamic and broader soundstage than the Pro, is finished in a stylish black and gold colour scheme, and includes a 1.5m 4,4mm TRRRS and a 3m 4-pin XLR OFC cable in the headphone case.
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