Musician Audio Leo makes the most of the signal coming from your digital players via USB, AES/EBU, optical or coaxial SPDIF connections.
It uses its own OCXO preheated and thermally controlled crystal clock signal generator to re-clock the signal and send the re-coded signal to D/A converters via AES/EBU, coaxial and optical SPDIF or I2S outputs. Its special input design electrically isolates the devices, preventing electrical noise from passing between them.
The Musician Leo can also receive external clock signals via BNC connectors. In size and appearance, it is a perfect match for Musician Audio's products, most notably the Aquarius D/A converter.
With USB connection it can handle up to 768 kHz PCM and DSD512 resolutions.
LINUX and MAC systems are automatically handled, for Windows a custom developed Thesycon driver software can be downloaded from the manufacturer's site.
The linear power supply, based on a monocrystalline copper wire wound toroidal transformer, provides external circuitry to the audio and control units of the unit for low distortion and signal-to-noise levels.
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