SRM-D10 II Electrostatic Headphone Amplifier: Elevate Your Audio Experience
Enhanced Sound Quality
The SRM-D10 II headphone amplifier brings you an elevated audio experience with its advanced hardware decoding and premium audio capacitors. Each note is rendered with pristine clarity and every detail is vividly brought to life, offering an unparalleled listening experience.
DSD and PCM Support
Supporting DSD sampling rates up to DSD256 and PCM sampling rates up to 384kHz/32bit, the SRM-D10 II faithfully reproduces high-resolution audio formats. This ensures that the artist's original intentions are preserved, delivering studio-quality sound right to your ears.
High-Quality Power Amplifier
Equipped with a high-quality power amplifier, the SRM-D10 II offers outstanding performance and remarkable power. This allows you to experience your music in its purest form, with exceptional clarity and precision.
High Voltage Output
A robust 580V DC bias enhances the amplifier's output, resulting in a more dynamic and powerful soundstage. This high voltage output ensures a richer and more immersive listening experience.
Rugged Aluminium Alloy Shell
The SRM-D10 II features a sleek and modern design with its rugged aluminum alloy shell. This not only adds to its aesthetic appeal but also provides higher strength and corrosion resistance, ensuring durability and longevity.
Versatile Connectivity
The SRM-D10 II supports both USB digital and 3.5mm analog audio inputs, offering flexibility in connecting to a wide range of devices. Whether you’re using digital or analog sources, the SRM-D10 II has you covered.
Technical Specifications
- Rated Input Level: 230mV (100V output)
- Maximum Input Level: 10V (minimum volume in Line In input)
- Gain: 53dB (450 times)
- Harmonic Distortion: ≤0.025% / 1kHz-10kHz
- Input Impedance: 10KΩ (Line In input)
- Maximum Output Voltage: 200Vr.m.s / 100Hz-10kHz
- Supply Voltage: DC 5V/9V/12V/15V
- Power Consumption: 6.4W (USB input) 5W (Line In input)
- DSD Support: Up to DSD256
- PCM Support: Up to 384kHz/32bit
- Amplifier: High-Quality Power Amplifier
- Output Bias: DC 580V
- Shell Material: Aluminium Alloy
- Input Options: USB Digital, 3.5mm Analog
Elevate your audio experience with the SRM-D10 II Electrostatic Headphone Amplifier. With its superior sound quality, high-resolution audio support, robust build, and versatile connectivity, it is the perfect addition to any audiophile's setup. Discover the true potential of your music with the SRM-D10 II.
The manufacturer does not recommend using other electrostatic headphones with STAX amplifiers. These headphone amplifiers are available in black and silver colors.
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